These nonfiction books scrutinize zombies and werewolves under the lens of science, explore haunted houses, and examine the legacy of witches.
A society's monsters reflect its fears, so what does our long-running obsession with zombies represent about us?
Ahhh, real zombies! Take this quiz to find out with pop culture zombie you've had inside of you all along.
An undead reading list for adults, from creature horror fiction to nonfiction on the history of zombies in pop culture.
Part two of THE LAST OF US game releases this month, and if you're looking for similar reads, we've got the list for you.
%%excerpt%% Ten short horror stories to get you in the mood for Halloween, and keep you awake until the witching hour has passed.
Until you've consumed all 25 of the best zombie books, can you even claim to be a true zombie fan?
Zombie novels, in honor of horror legend George A Romero
Excellent zombie comics, starting with The Walking Dead.
A round-up of your favorite books about zombies, vampires, and more undead beasties!