#YA lit

Searching for Taiwan in YA Lit

One reader reflects on the representation of Taiwanese people in YA lit.

5 #OwnVoices YA Reads on the Asian Immigrant Experience

YA novels on the Asian immigrant experience, written by authors who have experienced it.

Read This, Then That: Geekerella by Ashley Poston & Other Love Stories Set at Comic Con

Geekery and comic con in YA fiction.

6 YA Novels About Grief and Mourning

A list of young adult novels about teenagers grieving the death of someone they love.

Using Postcards to Recommend Your Favourite Books

Speaking to students in high school and having them write postcards recommending their favourite books to students around the world.

The YA Books I Wish I Read as a Young Adult

Diverse YA books one reader wishes she had discovered as an actual young adult.

Fairness and Writing: Facing Realities as a WOC in Modern Publishing

On a Neo-Nazi getting a book deal while marginalized voices continue to be ignored.

Stay Gay, Ponyboy: On LGBT Interpretations and Author Twitter Battles

On a recent Twitter battle between S.E. Hinton and readers who believe Ponyboy and Johnny from The Outsiders are gay.

YA Recs To Help You Kick 2017’s Butt

YA novels with main characters that will inspire you to kick butt and take names.

Social Justice Things I Need (More Of) In YA

A request for more YA featuring teens protesting and having hard conversations.