From Africa to the Middle East to indigenous America, we're exploring the magical realm through these fantasy comics from around the world.
Add more fantasy novels in translation to your To-Be-Read courtesy of this list of fifteen excellent works of Slavic SFF in translation.
These werewolf books from around the world offer traditional favourites as well as experimental looks at the hairiest member of the supernatural crowd.
Explore Chinese mythology, lore, legend, and literature as one reader discusses the history of Chinese fantasy literature.
We've rounded up four global epic fantasy novels, which feature authors, inspirations, and settings from all over the map.
We're making connections between vampire myths from around the world, as well as exploring symbolism and some of the intentions behind these tales.
Check out these six excellent ownvoices YA fantasy novels inspired by the folklore and mythology from the authors' own cultures.
If you're a fan of fantastic, reimagined cityscapes, check out these wonderfully gritty fantasy novels with urban settings.
Potterheads, don't miss these fantasy novels for Harry Potter fans! These Potter readalikes include works in translation and global settings.
These Middle Eastern- and Indian-inspired YA fantasy novels showcase fantastical worlds that bear resemblance to cultural myths and histories.