From Reese's to the Teen Banned Book Club, these are the January picks from the biggest and most interesting online book clubs!
Here are the books being read by all of the big book clubs this month, as well as how to take part in the discussion.
What is your book club reading in October?
This month's picks include a Pulitzer Prize winning biography, a James Baldwin classic, a romance anthology from our own Jess Pryde, and more.
Your monthly book club roundup is here! Whether you participate or not, this will help you build a fabulous TBR.
Here are ten of the big book club picks of the month, from Mocha Girls Read to GMA Book Club. You can join in online!
From #ReadWithJenna to the Subtle Asian Book Club, here are 11 book club picks to read and discuss in April 2024.
From #ReadWithJenna to NYPL's Teen Banned Book Club, here are 13 book club picks to read and discuss March 2024.
Check out this month's book club picks, from Reese’s Book Club To Sapph-Lit and a new one from the NYPL focused on banned books.
Here are the books that all the book clubs are reading for January 2024, plus how to join in the discussion.