#unbeatable squirrel girl

My Love/Hate Relationship with Marvel Comics

When it comes to Marvel Comics, Charles Paul Hoffman has a split personality. He loves Marvel's comics, but he criticizes them to help make them better.

No Context Given: Squirrel Girl Tells It Like It Is

This week's edition of No Context Given: Squirrel Girl tells it like it is.

Comics Fetish: Volume 69

It's Comics Fetish, your weekly round-up of comics-related stuff to buy and wear and gift and share. This week: Firefly leggings, droid teapots, and more!

No Context Given: Spider-Man Got Mind Controlled…Again

This week's edition of No Context Given--Spider-Man got mind controlled...again.

Tippy-Toe: Hero, Revolutionary, Glamour Squirrel

We talk a lot about Squirrel Girl, but her sidekick Tippy-Toe is awesome as well.

What’s On Your Pull List? : October 28, 2015

Each week, one Panelteer shares what's on their pull list.

No Context Given: Cat Thor

Yes, Cat Thor: This week's edition of No Context Given.


Panelteer Christine talks 8 panels that made her love THE UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL even more.

Unbeatable Squirrel Girl: The Storming of the Bestsellers List

I love Squirrel Girl to a fairly embarrassing degree. I have been a long-time fan of Dinosaur comics and I ...

Books I Have Bought More than Once

One Panelteer on the books she's bought multiple times, for one reason or another.