#The Stand

Genre Kryptonite: Post-Apocalyptic Lit

Get ready to dig into the post-apocalyptic fiction, courtesy of one Rioter's love for the genre.

How to Read After You Adopt A Dog

Adopting a dog doesn't mean your reading life must end. Here are some simple and easy tricks for reading with dogs in the house.

How Reading Stephen King Has Affected Me for Life

Stephen King Cujo Salem's Lot The Stand Stephen King's IT Pet Sematary

Literary Tourism: Las Vegas, Nevada

It's not only strip clubs and gambling in Las Vegas, Nevada. Promise. Somewhere within that place of extremes, there are also books.

We’re All Gonna DIE! (Literature for the Apocalypse)

If the Mayans are to be believed, we have just over a year and a month left here on good ...