Spend Poe Day learning about everyone's favorite mysterious 19th century writer and his long, long life as a reference in popular culture.
On a business trip, a woman memorializes Edgar Allan Poe by bringing him red roses to his grave in Baltimore, and discusses his impact on her life.
A definitive guide to the most stunning illustrations for The Raven you'll ever lay your eyes on, from artists like Doré, Manet, Rossetti, and more.
Whether you're lazy about the spooktacular time of year (like me) or super committed to the ghostly cause, we have a literary Halloween costume for you.
You remember the poem “The Raven,” the man in the chamber, and the constant quote of “Nevermore,” right? For some ...
Super Bowl XLVII attracted more attention from the book community than it likely would have most other years. And it's because of Edgar Allen Poe. Why?