Riot Headline Book Riot’s 2025 Read Harder Challenge

#The Baby-Sitters Club

How to Plan a Baby-Sitters Club-Themed Party

Whether you love the original books, the newer adaptions, or all of the above, here's how to celebrate the BSC with a themed party!

A Queer History of the Baby-Sitters Club

While the original books and even the Netflix adaptation danced around it, we all know that Kristy Thomas is and has always been a lesbian.

Reading The Baby-Sitters Club for the First Time as a Twentysomething

With Netflix bringing the beloved story to the screen, it was the perfect time to pick up Kristy’s Great Idea.

What’s Your Number? The Enneagram Numbers of THE BABY-SITTERS CLUB Characters

Ever wondered about the Enneagram numbers of Baby-Sitters Club characters? One BSC fan sorts all the characters into their Enneagram personality types.

Searching for Myself in the Books of My Youth

A reader on the childhood books that made her feel seen as an introverted, mixed, ever-moving person.

Watching Them Read: Fictional Characters and The Books They’re Reading

The books I've recently spotted fictional TV characters reading to add to my TBR pile.

On Taking an Emotional Break from Intense Books

How one Rioter alternates her reading list between intense and light reads.