#TBR pile

I Let My TikTok For You Page Pick My TBR

I decided to let the TikTok For You page choose my TBR! Three books later, here are my thoughts on the whole experiment.

Why You Should Rearrange Your Bookshelves

How often do you reorganize your bookshelves and what do you notice happening when you do? Here are a few reasons you should do it more often.

The Never-Ending Comics TBR Cycle

Do you read in cycles of certain genres or types of books? One Rioter discusses her TBR pile

How (And Why) I Keep My Goodreads To-Read Shelf at 100 Books

Wondering how to manage the size of your Goodreads to-read shelf? Here's one strategy for keeping it at 100 books or less.

How I Keep My TBR Small in 8 Easy Steps

One Rioter on how she keeps her physical and ebook To Be Read shelves at a size that is manageable for her budget, time, and shelf space.

Consider This Permission to Keep All Your Books

Let's talk about the life-changing magic of keeping all your books and not caring what anyone thinks of it.

Speculating on Secretary Clinton’s Reading List

Hillary Clinton is a big reader, and we have guesses about what's on her TBR!

6 Ways To Use Your TBR Stack (When Reading It Down Is Not An Option)

Most of them involve weeping.

How to Trim Your TBR In 9 (Not So Easy) Steps

Feeling overwhelmed by unread books? Learn how one reader cut more than 50 books from her to-be-read pile.

How To Spring Clean Your Goodreads TBR Pile

One Rioter does some spring cleaning on her massive Goodreads TBR list, using a few hard and fast rules to make choosing what to read next more manageable.