Riot Headline Book Riot’s 2025 Read Harder Challenge

#Tamora Pierce

Celebrating 40 Years of Alanna of Tortall

As the books celebrate their 40th anniversary (!!), one reader looks back Tamora Pierce's Alanna of Tortall series and what it meant to her.

Happy 35th Anniversary, Alanna the Lioness

"I could talk for hours about Alanna and Tortall. Days really. Longer, given that I’ve been pushing it on all my reading friends for *mumble mumble* years."

5 Books for Whatever Weather

Hot books for cold weather, and cold books for hot weather. Or hot books for hot weather and cold books for cold weather, if that's your thing.

Rereading Tortall: Side Characters So Good

Jenn is rereading the Beka Cooper series by Tamora Pierce, and finding that her reading tastes have changed.

Let The Great Informal Tortall Reread Begin!

We're rereadingTamora Pierce’s Tortall books! Join us!

Just Add Magical Talking Cats

Fantasy is better with magical talking cats.

Reading Pathways: The Tortall Universe by Tamora Pierce

Where to start with Tamora Pierce's Tortall books.

Tortall Alert: We’re About to Get a Numair Trilogy

Tamora Pierce just finished the book in a new trilogy that's going to be all about Numair Salmalín. I'm freaking out a little.

5 Great Audiobooks Read By the Authors

Audiobooks read by Neil Gaiman, Tamora Pierce, and more excellent authors.

Potential Husbands from YA Fantasy: A Comparison Chart

There’s something special about the men of YA fantasy. They’re charming, well-intentioned, earnest, and usually attractive. They’re also often good ...