Robots in comics have two settings: help or murder. When they come dressed like our favorite heroes, they're probably set to murder.
Sometimes even superheroes who think they're doing the right thing make some villainous choices.
So you met your doppelgänger only to discover they want to kill you. Let's take a look at this surprisingly common superhero dilemma.
Did someone forget to iron their cape? A look at the sorts of thing heroes fight over in another installment of #SuperheroProblems.
What's a time-traveling superhero to do when they get thrown into the past? Consider some of the following options straight from the panels.
Without a secret identity, is a superhero really a superhero? These superheroes had to find the answer to that question the hard way!
Five heroes take a walk on the wild side in the latest edition of #SuperheroProblems. Let's hope they can find their way back!
In this installment of #SuperheroProblems, we explore sudden AARP eligibility and how old age affects our caped crusaders.
So you mourned the loss of your family and whoops! Turns out they aren't so dead after all. What's a superhero to do?
The good news: you're a superhero AND a god. The bad news: you may never question the boss god, ever, for any reason.