
Do Spoilers Really Ruin a Story? Or Can They Make You Enjoy It More?

Some readers avoid spoilers at all costs, while others read the last page first. What does the research say about the effect of spoilers?

Let’s Be Reasonable About Spoilers, OK?

Between Game of Thrones and EndGame, spoilers have been a hot topic of discussion recently. Here's how you can be respectful...and reasonable.

There Is No Statute of Limitations on Spoilers

How old does a book have to be before spoiling it is ok, and who decides?

Let’s Talk Spoiler Myths

A breakdown of common myths about spoilers.

If The Story Matters, Then Spoilers Matter

There are people who argue that spoilers don't matter, but Thomas disagrees. If the story matters, then spoilers matter too.

Curves Ahead: How “Spoiler Alerts” Get It Wrong

A reveal-happy reader defends the so-called "spoiler," which may be nothing of the sort.

Do Spoilers Matter? And Other Bookish Problems

On this week's Dear Book Nerd, Rita chats about spoilers, scary books, and other bookish problems!

Recap: The Walking Dead 5×08 – Coda

Welcome to the official Panels The Walking Dead weekly recap! I did these recaps occasionally for iFanboy back in the ...

How to Get Back Books You’ve Loaned Out

5 easy steps to getting your borrowed books back.

True Confessions of A Spoiler Addict

Warning: This post contains spoilers for Game of Thrones (all the series), the Harry Potter series and The Hunger Games, ...