
6 Speculative Novels Full of Ennui

A lot of SFF is full of high stakes and wild adventures. Read these moody, speculative novels if you're more in the mood for ennui.

10 Speculative Short Story Collections to Enjoy in 2021

Look out for these 2021 speculative short story collections featuring fables from Pakistan, urban legends, gothic horror and more, including Reconstruction: Stories by Alaya Dawn Johnson.

What Is Speculative Fiction?

What is speculative fiction? You may get a different answer depending on who you ask. Read on to explore this concept, along with examples.

3 Endings and 1 Beginning: Bill Spinester’s ARIEL 51 Webcomic

As I mourn the ending of three favorite webcomics, Bill Spinester's ARIEL 51 promises to fulfill my need for weird science fiction graphic narrative.