#science fiction

8 Excellent Genre-Bending Sci-Fi Tales To Take You to the Next Frontier

This genre-bending science fiction will take you to drowned worlds, post-apocalyptic realities, outer space, and beyond.

Books Like THE THREE-BODY PROBLEM that Explore Humanity’s Role in Space

If you want more science fiction books like THE THREE-BODY PROBLEM, here are great options for you that explore humanity's role in space!

Which Octavia Butler Books Should You Read First?

Find the best Octavia Butler books to jump into her sharp prose and strong sense of character. Here are five options to get you started.

11 Bookmarks for All Genres

Are you a fan of thematically-appropriate bookmarks? Look inside for a round-up of bookmarks for all genres.

Science Fiction Is Inherently Rebellious — So Why Don’t Some of Its Fans Think So?

Sci-fi has always rebelled against the status quo and held a mirror up to current society, helping us to imagine something better.

Welcome to the Stone Age: An Introduction to the Stonepunk Genre

Let’s learn about the stonepunk sub-genre together and then I’ll give you a few recommendations from the genre to get you started!

5 of the Best of the Queer D&D Actual Plays

These Queer D&D actual plays are among the most well-produced, most wonderful out there, and may replace TV for you. You've been warned.

Just What is Biopunk?

Ready to read a new sub-genre? Discover what biopunk is, why we love it, and our recommended reads to get started.

8 Books Like For All Mankind On Apple TV+

For those of you wanting a book version of the spacey sci-fi on screen, here are eight books like For All Mankind that you'll love.

Can You Guess the Sci-Fi Book Based On Its 1-Star Reviews?

"I hope you like calendars that you never understand" and "Dull soup": can you match the sci-fi novel to its 1-star reviews?