#science fiction/fantasy

Sand, Sand, and More Sand: A Brief Introduction to Desertpunk Books

What is desertpunk? Let's dive into this fascinating sub-genre that includes Mad Max and look at the best desertpunk books to read.

Year-End Short Speculative Fiction Roundup: An Overview of Awards Eligibility Season

In late fall, writers and literary magazines begin to post work that is eligible for awards. Here's a guide to that tradition.

The Layer Cake of Science Fiction: A Sub-Genre Primer

Like our universe, the science fiction genre is constantly expanding. Here is a sampling of the seemingly endless list of its subgenres.

The Best Of the Best Of’s: An Exploration of Best Of Anthologies

Thousands of short stories are read each year in order for editors to create Best of anthologies. Here is a look at a few.

Silkpunk: What It Is & What It Definitely Is Not

Silkpunk does NOT apply to every speculative, science fiction, or fantasy book inspired by Asian history or culture. Here's what it is.

Who Was Mary Shelley? An Exploration of Her Life

Mary Shelley was an extraordinary woman who changed literary history, and her biography is as astonishing and original as her novels.

Get Into Speculative Poetry With These 2019 Rhysling Award Winners

Do you love poetry? How about poetry that touches on other worlds and planes? Then check out the 2019 Rhysling Award winners for speculative poetry.

The Perfect Fragrances for Harry Potter Characters, Part II

Because you know you want to know what scent pairs with which character. . . again!