
Comics: The Perfect Readathon Material

Comics are the perfect medium for a readathon.

12 Things That Happen When You Read for 24 Hours Straight

The 24-hour readathon is this weekend--here's what you can expect.

6 Essential Snacks for the 24 Hour Readathon

The 24 hour readathon is next weekend! Here are our tried-and-true snack suggestions.

5 Reasons to Participate in #Diverseathon Sept 12-19!

Celebrate diversity in books with a huge community of book lovers all over social media! Plus: 300+ diverse recommendations for this diverse readathon!

One-Sitting Books Perfect for a Readathon

We collected our favorite one-sitting books perfect for ripping through during the upcoming 24-hour readathon!

How to Last Through a 24 Hour Readathon!

Some tips for lasting through a 24 hour readathon!

Reading Recommendations for the 24 Hour Readathon

Dewey's 24 hour readathon is tomorrow, and we have reading suggestions!

24 Hour Readathon Survive (and Thrive) Tips

The 24 hour readathon is Saturday! Here are tips for rockin' it, from one of the organizers!

Why Readathons Are Worth Your Time

Why participate in a readathon?