#Rat Queens

I Read Comics For the Art

Don't devalue comics artists. I read comics for the art.

5 Girl Gang Comics That Kick Ass

Girl gang comics have all the emotion and complexity of female friendship combined with the raw power of women protecting each other and looking awesome.

Queer Book Characters I Would Totally Date (and Why)

From Betty in Rat Queens to Flo in Tipping the Velvet: queer characters one reader wants to date!

What’s on Your Pull List?: September 16, 2015

Each week, one Panelteer shares what's on their pull list.

What’s on Your Pull List?: August 19, 2015

Every week, a different Panelteer will give you a rundown of the comics they’re most looking forward to for the ...

How GONE GIRL Led to a Reading Experiment

How Gone Girl led to a reading experiment that ultimately diversified my reading.

Frak It All: The 5 Types of Swears You Find in Speculative Fiction

Swearing in speculative fiction can trip up a reader or help build a world.

Comics Recommendation Engine: The Craft

Panelteer Hilary recommends comics for fans of the movie THE CRAFT.

Read Harder Recommendations: Fantasy Comics

We provide recommendations for fantasy comics.

Comics Fetish: Volume 22

Check out this weeks Comics Fetish, where we share cool merch you can throw your money at.