Oh, Comics! is a weekly chat show about the wild and wooly world of comics, hosted by Paul Montgomery and Preeti ...
On May 22, the first episode of AMC’s Preacher premiered, based on the comic book of the same title by ...
(Spoiler Warning: This article will mainly discuss content from the first issue of Preacher, but will otherwise keep specific ...
Oh, Comics! is a weekly chat show about the wild and wooly world of comics, hosted by Paul Montgomery and Preeti ...
We reveal our May book of the month for the Oh, Comics podcast: PREACHER, Book One.
What comics do you read when you don't really have time to read? Hélène breaks down her strategy.
Michael Fassbender stars as Harry Hole in The Snowman movie adaptation, Kenneth Branagh directs the Artemis Fowl film, and more adaptation news
What comics the Panels contributors are reading in August 2015.
Caught up with SAGA and looking for your next read? Check out these comics.
Recommendations of comics based on themes and and features in the novel Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.