How Mary Laura Philpott’s I MISS YOU WHEN I BLINK Helped Me Come to Terms With My Type A Personality

How one reader came to understand their challenges as a Type A personality through I MISS YOU WHEN I BLINK.

Why the Library is Still the Only Place I Feel Safe, Even During a Pandemic

How one reader with OCD struggled with the loss of library access during the pandemic, but ultimately benefited from some time away.

13 Books That Have Improved My Mental Health

One reader on 13 books that have been tremendously beneficial for their mental health.

Check the Books: Reading My Way Through OCD

One reader with newly-diagnosed OCD looks at how OCD is represented in books, and what more she'd like to see in representations.

6 Comics About Mental Illness

Fictional and autobiographical comics about mental illness that begin to illustrate how it feels to live with a mental illness.

12 YA Books About Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Looking for a YA book about OCD? Read on to discover these 12 YA books featuring characters with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

What Your Reading Rules Reveal About Your Personality

When I started thinking about this piece, I thought about it as just a list of my (many!) seemingly arbitrary ...