Revenge is a dish best served cold, and with a little music on the side. Enjoy these very vengeful book + music pairings.
Explore the wonderful world of music magic with these fantasy books that feature magic systems based on music.
I'm so, so sorry for the songs you're about to have stuck in your head after reading these earworm romances... or am I!?
Get ready to build some playlists! These manga about music and musicians cover everything from rock and jazz to pop and classical music.
A look at the ways music influences poetry and poets, from name-drops to the basis of entire poetic forms.
Musicians—they're just like us! JK, they live wild and glamorous lives. Read about them in this list of 12 of the best memoirs by musicians.
From globally-known tunes to more obscure songs, these nonfiction books about a single song tell fascinating stories.
Everyone has a song lyric that they love or that has spoken to them in some powerful way. But the question remains: are lyrics literature?
Loving both music and books is doubly good for you, right? These YA books about musicians span different genres of young adult literature.
From songs that inspired the author's writing process to ones woven into the plot, these books with music playlists are a layered treat.