Mark Twain was a 19th century U.S. author and cultural icon. Learn more about his life story and how he impacted our literary canon.
“Good books, like good friends, are few and chosen; the more select, the more enjoyable.”
Everyone loves good Mark Twain quotes, right? Here's some of our favorites from the author, with quotes about life and love, animals and alcohol.
A quick quiz in honor of Nick Offerman's new Tom Sawyer audiobook: who said it, Ron Swanson or Tom Sawyer?
Nick Offerman's recording of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is the newest addition to a growing list of audiobooks performed by celebrities.
Quotes from your favorite writers and thinkers to noodle on for Banned Books Week
If you're looking for great adventure novels, here are some recommendations
Manuscript Discoveries That Would Kill Me
A Response to Mark Twain's Grave Robbery: Ways to Honor Him Legally