
Post-Publication Corrections: How and Why

Take a deep dive in post-publication corrections to learn why they happen and how incorrect information, typos, and more are rectified.

Reducing the Environmental Toll of Paper in the Publishing Industry

Quantifying the environmental impact of publishing is no easy task. Let's take a look at one major component of its carbon footprint: paper.

10 Ways to Promote Children’s Literacy at Home

Promoting literacy at home has a huge impact on children's learning. Here are ten easy ways to support your child's literacy at home.

Judging a Book Cover by Its Color

When you look at your shelves, do you see a dominant color scheme? Dive into the world of book cover colors and what they may denote.

The History of the Bookworm

The earliest documented appearance of the word bookworm, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is in 1580.

It Takes a Village: How School Librarians Support Virtual Learning

School librarians are finding innovative ways to support virtual learning, stepping up to meet challenges in unprecedented times.

Getting Rare Books Appraised: What to Know

Have you ever thought about getting rare books appraised? We've got your how to, including some expert advice and why you should consider it.

The History of the Spelling Bee

The Scripps National Spelling Bee is a national tradition. But what fascinates us about middle schoolers spelling?

Ex Libris: A History of Bookplates

Ever heard the term "ex libris?" Dive into the history of bookplates and how they help collectors track history.

Anatomy of a Scene: Darcy’s (first) Proposal

A look at how three adaptations of Pride and Prejudice handle the first proposal scene.