Book Riot's librarians discuss Syria's secret free library, a library that operates in two countries at once, Australia's yearly Reading Hour, and more.
Resources and reasons for librarians to support Black Lives Matter.
Thomas discusses the challenges and opportunities for lady-identifying comics librarians in a panel report on Valhalla from ALA Annual 2016.
Book Riot's librarians discuss a fired library cat, the first black Librarian of Congress still isn't confirmed, and a library waives $600,000 in fines.
Here's a list of 100 (!) books about libraries and bookstores, including fiction and history.
Book Riot's librarian staff and contributors have selected a few of the most interesting topics affecting libraries for this monthly digest of library news.
Book Riot's librarian staff and contributors have selected some of the most interesting topics affecting libraries for this monthly digest of library news.
Reading, writing learning: the library degree (MLIS) is as necessary to me as libraries themselves.
An ode to librarians out there who work without an MLS
The stories of three diverse librarians making a difference to their communities and changing the world, one bookish step at a time.