#Kamala Khan

“Why Would You Want To Encourage Gay People?”: LGBTQ+ Representation In Libraries

Thomas discusses why it's important to have LGBTQ+ materials in a library collection, and positive and negative responses he's received as a result.

Finding Inspiration in Ms Marvel

Latonya isn't much of capes and tights reader, but when life got her down recently, she found inspiration in Ms Marvel.

No Context Given: HEY It’s Wolverine!

This single panel is enough to make anyone fall in love with Kamala, and well Wolverine.

How to Decoupage a Magazine File for Comics Storage

If you're stuck on how to store print issues of comics, we've suggested decoupaging magazine files. Now Swapna has a how-to guide.

20 Things I Learned from Ms. Marvel

The first run of Ms. Marvel by G. Willow Wilson and Adrian Alphona is over; we celebrate what we've learned from Kamala Khan.

20 Things I Learned from Kamala Khan

Swapna shares 20 things she learned from Kamala Khan from the first run of Ms Marvel.

What’s On Your Pull List? : November 18, 2015

Each week, one Panelteer shares what's on their pull list.

Revealing Pros’ Pros with a Nose: Perfect “Imperfections” in Comics

Details, such as how an artists draws a nose, matter in terms of characterization and story.

20 Things I Learned from Kamala Khan

Now that the first run of Ms Marvel has come to an end, Swapna rounds up 20 things she learned from Kamala Khan.

Crazy About Kamala Khan? You’ll Love These Superheroines, Too

If you love Kamala Khan, AKA Ms. Marvel, then you should check out these other superheroines.