The lives of literary publicists have gotten so much harder in recent years. Where once the biggest threat to an ...
New year, new reading resolutions, new additions to the TBR list. Hope you’ve finished reading some of those holiday gifts ...
Let it not be said that the folks at Ladbrokes don’t have a sense of humor. There, at the end ...
A colleague recently lamented in a Facebook post that another well-known literary site’s Big Books of Fall list was basically ...
For obvious reasons, established writers are usually very selective about which novels they’ll blurb. Perhaps, sometimes, they should be more ...
Recently, Book Rioteer Rebecca posted some useful tips on how to join bookshelves when you move in with a significant ...
Welcome to Drop It Like It’s Haute, a weekly celebration of that unholiest of marriages between pop culture and literature. __________ ...
Ladbroke’s, one of those English gambling houses that seem to have a prop for everything, has an extensive board for ...