#jhumpa lahiri

The Best Jhumpa Lahiri Books: 5 Books to Get You Started

With novels, short stories, and nonfiction titles, this is how to get started with the best Jhumpa Lahiri books, from her debut to today.

Jhumpa Lahiri’s THE NAMESAKE and Finding Culture in Literature

One reader reflects on the importance of representation in literature.

4 of the Best Free Holiday Short Stories Online About Season’s Drama

If you find the holidays more foreboding than cheerful, find someone to relate to in these 4 free holiday short stories available to read online.

Great Books About the Immigrant Experience

Excellent reads about a variety of immigrant experiences.

Speak or Swim: IN OTHER WORDS and the Trials of Learning a Language

"Children of immigrants, like Lahiri, experience shame for being other, their mother tongue ostracized rather than celebrated."

100 Must-Read Books Set in New England

Must-read fiction and nonfiction set in New England.

The Favorite Authors of My Favorite Authors

The favorite authors of Junot Diaz, Joan Didion, and more of one reader's favorite writers.

In Italiano: Italian Lit in the News

Ferrante, Lahiri, and Wharton: three authors making Italian lit news in recent days.

Genre Kryptonite: Books about Immigrants

August 2015 marks 20 years that my parents and I have been living in the United States. We came to ...

No Time for Audiobooks? Try These Audio Short Stories

No time for audiobooks? Check out these short stories on audio.