There are comic writers, and there are artists, and there are double threat writer/artists. Here are 6 you should know.
We have suggestions for the Read Harder category comics written and drawn by the same person.
Each week, one Panelteer shares what's on their pull list.
The Panels 2015 Read Harder Challenge consists of 26 challenge categories spanning the breadth and depth of all things that ...
Caroline takes a look at PLUTONA #1, appreciating the great characterization and mystery that unfolds within its pages.
Each week, one Panelteer shares what's on their pull list.
What comics the Panels contributors are reading in June 2015.
Panelteer Dave Accampo shares his pull list for the week.
In The Art of the Start, we look at Descender #1 by Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen from Image Comics.
Suggestions for filling your Canadian Literature bingo card.