#J.D. Salinger

BookJack Horseman: 24 Bookish BOJACK HORSEMAN Moments

24 book references and bookish BoJack Horseman moments-- or should I say BookJack Horseman.

When Your Book Club Asks Too Much of You

Are book club members bound to the choices of the whole? One Rioter asks if it's ever okay to say "no!" to a book club selection.

A Brief History of (Novelists on the Cover of) TIME

A brief history of novelists appearing on TIME Magazine's cover, including Graham Greene, J.D. Salinger, Toni Morrison, and Stephen King.

If Famous Authors Read One-Star Reviews of Their Books

It seems like every couple months I see a post go around about Amazon one-star reviews of classic books. Recently ...

5 Gift Books for New High School Graduates

My pragmatic list of 5 Books high school graduates should read before taking the next step in their lives, whatever that may be.