#intersectional feminism

The Best Audre Lorde Quotes On Resistance, Books, And More

Lorde was a feminist, poet, writer, lesbian, womanist, librarian, and civil rights activist. Right now, we - the world at large, the #Resistance especially - need her words, her voice, her vision, more than ever. Here are the best in Audre Lorde quotes, on resistance, activism, and more.

7 Intersectional Fairy Tale Retellings

Seven intersectional fairy tale retellings featuring princesses of color and LGBT relationships.

A Year of #OwnVoices

One reader on how she'll spend the upcoming year reading books by authors the new President considers "Other."

Intersectional Feminist Nonfiction for Your Reading List

Stack your to-be-read piles or your book wish lists with these feminist nonfiction books.