#Hunger Games

How The Hunger Games Prequel Helped Me Realize I’ve Changed

One Hunger Games fan returns to the series, as an adult and mother, for the prequel and realizes how much her perspective has changed.

Cover Revealed for New HUNGER GAMES Prequel

The new Hunger Games book has a cover and a title!

Suzanne Collins Announces Hunger Games Prequel for 2020

There's a new Hunger Games book coming in 2020!

8 Knitting Projects for Fantasy and Sci-Fi Fans

Because winter is coming.

A Guide to Seeing (or Not Seeing) The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2

Wondering whether to see The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2? Here's a guide to help you...complete with gifs.

LitKnits: 22 Patterns for Literary Mittens

Keep warm and cozy this winter by knitting (or crocheting) up a pair of these literary-themed gloves or mittens.

LitKnits: Nine Literary Hat Patterns

Do you knit or crochet? Plan ahead for winter with this collection of book-themed hat patterns.

Watching Them Read: Fictional Characters and The Books They’re Reading

The books I've recently spotted fictional TV characters reading to add to my TBR pile.

15 Phenomenal Bookish Ornaments

I’ve been ornament shopping lately, ladies and gentlemen, and I have found myself happily lingering in the bookish ornament section ...

Final MOCKINGJAY: PART 1 Trailer

Are you ready for the last and final trailer for Mockingjay: Part 1? Here it is: [youtube]https://youtu.be/IXshQ5mv1K8[/youtube]   What do you think? ...