
The Bookish Life of Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor has many bookish credits to her name. Here's an exploration of her life in all its book-related glory.

Quiz: Which Hollywood Monster Are You?

Hollywood and movie fans alike love a good creature feature. Take this Hollywood monster quiz to find out which classic creature lurks inside your heart!

“Backwards and in High Heels”: Books About the Women Of Golden Age Musicals

Recommended reading about the women of Hollywood's Golden Age musicals.

FEUD: Bette and Joan – A Reading List

Mourning the loss of FEUD: BETTE AND JOAN on FX? Let books help you through it.

Book Style: DARK SPARKLER by Amber Tamblyn

Sartorial spin on the newest poetry collection from the multi-talented Amber Tamblyn, DARK SPARKLER. Time to get your Hollywood on.

The Hollywood Life: A Reading List

This round of the Riot Recommendation is sponsored by Actors Anonymous by James Franco. The actors in James Franco’s brilliant debut novel include ...