Many credit a particular book with ushering in the Harlem Renaissance, especially as it related to literature. That book: Cane by Jean Toomer.
Here are eight plays, poetry collections, and novels by or featuring these lesser-known writers of the Harlem Renaissance.
Zora Neale Hurston was a writer in the Harlem Renaissance, an anthropologist, a folklorist, and a filmmaker. And so much more.
Langston Hughes wrote in Harlem from the 1920s through the 1960s. These are some of the best Langston Hughes poems to get started with his work.
Mercedes Liriano-Clark, an English teacher at Bronx’s M.S. 224, has been prevented from teaching about the Harlem Renaissance, NBC New York reported this morning. The reason her principal gave? Liriano-Clark isn’t a social studies teacher.
Want to hear Tolkien recite elvish, Conan Doyle talk about Sherlock, or Langston Hughes read poetry to jazz music? Read. On.
Langston Hughes's birthday was yesterday. Here's why we should all still read him.
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is a story about alluring surfaces and rotted insides, about beautiful lies and ugly ...