The ghost story is one of the most vibrant modes in U.S. American literature today. But why are ghost stories still relevant?
Let's get something straight: the gothic genre has always been queer. But these queer gothic books take them from subtext to text.
The punch doesn't taste right, you can't find the friend you came with, and you aren't sure how you're getting home: it's gothic horror.
These classic and more contemporary books of gothic horror, gothic fantasy, and a blend of the two are perfect for an Autumn evening read.
Are we in the midst of a Gothic literature boom? A reader dives into a recent boom in the subgenre and explores some of its trademark tropes.
Get in your gauzy gown, grab a goblet and your glasses, and get ready for nine excellent genre-bending Gothic fiction books!
A gothic horror story should fill you with unease in its quieter passages and full-on dread at other times. Here are the best examples.
Explore the oft terrifying concept of The Double in these books, including classics, retellings, and works of Gothic horror.
These 2020 books upholding the Gothic feminist tradition are full of pent-up emotion and psychological tensions.
It is one of the oldest genres in literature, dating back to ancient times. Let's explore some of the most popular horror subgenres.