#Frank Miller

Your Batman Reading Order: How to Catch Up on The Dark Knight

Here's your Batman reading order to catch you up before the release of next year's feature film: The Batman.

Peek Over Our Shoulders: What Panelteers Are Reading in May 2015

What the Panels contributors are reading in May 2015.

The DAREDEVIL Stories You Have to Read

Stave off those withdrawals from your Netflix binge with this list of the all-time essential Daredevil stories.

The Book Recommendation Conundrum

Everyone has that certain nerd in their circle of friends: the one that reads more than you ever could in ...

My Comics Junk Drawer: Superman’s Fashion and Comics that Stick

There are moments in comics that stick with you. fragments of prose, knots of plot, a panel of art that ...

The New 52 and the Post-Bat Affleck Freakout

Why the New 52 and books like it should calm the apocalyptic chatter about Ben Affleck as Batman.