
Crowdfund This! London’s First Black Feminist Bookshop

Help Crowdfund the very first black feminist bookshop in London.

How to Crowdfund a Book: 32 More or Less Helpful Tips

A writer who recently had her book picked up by UK publisher Unbound, which crowdfunds its books, has some advice for writers considering the option to crowdfund.

5 Bookish Projects You Can Help Fund

We found exciting bookish projects actively seeking crowdfunding through platforms like Kickstarter and Patreon. Check them out!

Kickstart This: Fashion in Action and Comicker Press

We have two crowdfunded comics projects we think you should back: Fashion in Action and Comicker Press.

Why Should Readers Crowdfund a Bookstore?

Last week, the folks who own Brooklyn’s BookCourt bookstore launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise $300,000 to purchase and renovate the ...