
Sharing Books Online: An Evolution Over the Last Decade

How has book blogging changed in the last decade, and what does the future hold? One reader turned to these literary influencers for answers.

7 BookTubers Who Talk About Adult Books

I love BookTube, but I’ve been frustrated by what feels like an overabundance channels for YA literature. Here are 7 Booktubers who talk about adult books. 

Booktubers of Color Discuss the Importance of Diverse Representation in Literature

The book community is thriving on many social media platforms, but one in particular is booming, and that is the ...

8 Queer Booktubers You Should Subscribe To Right Now

If you want to diversify your Youtube subscription box, check out these queer booktubers who read and discuss queer books.

10 More BookTubers I Love (And You Will Too)

Stretch that "Subscribe" finger because you'll want to keep an eye on these insightful and fun booktubers.

The Life Changing Magic of Bookstagram

One reader shares her experience in the Instagram book community known as "bookstagram."

5 Reasons to Participate in #Diverseathon Sept 12-19!

Celebrate diversity in books with a huge community of book lovers all over social media! Plus: 300+ diverse recommendations for this diverse readathon!

5 Classics as YouTube Vlogs

One reader's top 5 favorite YouTube adaptations of the classics, including Jane Austen and Shakespeare.

22 of Your Favorite Bookish YouTubers

A round-up of your favorite Bookish YouTubers

Giveaway: Who is Your Favorite Bookish YouTuber?

Tell us your favorite bookish Youtuber and be entered to win a copy of GIRL LAST SEEN