#black history month

Bookish Hashtags for Black History Month

We've pulled together a few wonderful and bookish Black History hashtags happening in recognition of Black History Month! Check them out here.

The Cosplay in This Year’s #28DaysOfBlackCosplay is Fantastic

Amazing black cosplayers share their cosplay designs in #28DaysofBlackCosplay.

New York City Teacher Banned from Teaching the Harlem Renaissance

Mercedes Liriano-Clark, an English teacher at Bronx’s M.S. 224, has been prevented from teaching about the Harlem Renaissance, NBC New York reported this morning. The reason her principal gave? Liriano-Clark isn’t a social studies teacher.

#28DaysOfBlackCosplay is Happening Now on Twitter

The #28DaysOfBlackCosplay hashtag is happening on Twitter right now, in honor of Black History Month. Here's a roundup of some excellent contributions, and an introduction to the hashtag.

#ReadingBlackout for Black History Month

One reader shares her TBR of books by African American authors she'll be reading for the #ReadingBlackout this Black History Month.

Amazing Cosplay from #28DaysofBlackCosplay

Check out some of our favorite shots from #28DaysofBlackCosplay.

The #BlackWizardHistory Hashtag Gives Me Life

The Black Girl Create Twitter gives us some history of Black wizards!

Book Style: RUBY by Cynthia Bond

An outfit inspired by the cover and themes of RUBY by Cynthia Bond

Book Style: THEIR EYES WERE WATCHING GOD by Zora Neale Hurston

An outfit inspired by the themes (and cover of) Their Eyes Were Watching God

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