#birds of prey

Which Bird of Prey Are You?

Mr. J's out and Harley Effing Quinn is in! But are you really a Harley? Or are you more of a Black Canary? This Birds of Prey quiz will help you find out.

Getting to Know Gotham Girl Gang Birds of Prey Ahead of the Movie

A reader who got to know the Gotham Girl Gang offers a brief introduction to Birds of Prey to help you prepare for the upcoming film.

Comics Fetish: Volume 76

Check out this week's Comics Fetish, featuring cool Birds of Prey, Adventure Time, Star Wars, One Punch Man, and Peanuts-related merch.

What’s On Your Pull List? November 4, 2015

Every week, a different Panelteer will give you a rundown of the comics they’re most looking forward to for the ...

Recommending Comics for the Baby-Sitters Club

If you, like me, were a young girl at any point between 1986 and 2000, chances are you read at ...