We've got the verse to help you check off another task of the 2019 Read Harder Challenge! Find a collection of poetry published since 2014 here.
Recommendations to help you fulfill the "read a self-published book" task of the Read Harder Challenge!
Reading challenges are everywhere, but you might not complete them. Here are a few reasons why it's okay to fail your reading challenge.
Some of the best prison writing you can pick up.
Looking for books to complete the 2019 Read Harder Challenge task asking you to read an #OwnVoices book set in Oceania? Look no further!
Need recommendations for both fiction and nonfiction books by a journalist or about journalism to fulfill the 2019 Read Harder Challenge task? Start here!
Find a list of recommendations to fulfill the 2019 Read Harder task to read a book by a woman or author of color that won a literary award in 2018.