
When Assigned Reading is Pleasure Reading

I am a “bookworm.” I’ve always really enjoyed books and reading. But when I was in school there were always ...

Apocalypse Later: Why Dystopian Novels Speak To Us

What is it about dystopian novels - THE HANDMAID'S TALE, 1984, THE ROAD, FAHRENHEIT 451, etc. - that draws readers in so completely?

Famous Artists I Would Pick to Illustrate Classic Books

I’m a little obsessed with art in a completely uneducated, unsophisticated way. This may have something to do with the ...

What Next?: Three Books to Read After NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR

So you like Nineteen Eighty-Four? Good. Among all the novels in the world, it is my personal favorite. Reading it ...

George Orwell’s 1984 vs. Real 1984: Which Was More Gnarly?

George Orwell’s 1984, first published in 1949, paints a grim picture of a terrifying dystopia. However, (with tongue firmly implanted ...