Supurr Heroes: Cats in Comics
It is time to remedy a deep injustice, friends. We all know how hard the heroes and heroines of the comics universe work, and reward them for it; but whither their feline companions? These unsung cats provide vital and timely assistance, regularly participate in world-saving endeavors, advance plotlines, give added depth to characters, and yet are regularly overlooked. In fact, for some, we don’t even know their names. At Panels, however, we choose to honor them for their skills and efforts. Feline friends, we salute you!
Name: Lying Cat
Comic: Saga
Occupation: Professional assassin’s assistant. Skills include lie detection, babysitting, tearing out throats as necessary, and advanced snuggling.
Name: Ayane’s Cat Army
Comic: Wayward
Occupation: Fighting the opposition yokai forces and/or anyone else who gets in Ayane’s way. So don’t even try it.
Names: Unknown
Comic: Ms. Marvel #17 (with possibilities for future appearances)
Occupation: Apartment cats, specializing in: incorrect use of household objects for purposes of maximum cuteness; professional grade side-eye; goggle-eyed confusion; creating instant attachment in the heart of the beholder.
Names: TBD
Comic: Lumberjanes
Occupation: Saving the world through maximum adorableness; hijinks and shenanigans; purring.
Name: Mew
Comic: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl
Occupation: Companion to Nancy, friend to Tippy-Toe and Doreen. Knitting and crime-fighting assistant. Excellent conversationalist.
Name: Unknown
Comic: Storm #10
Occupation: Executive assistant to the Headmistress at the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning. Excellent communication skills. Experience in conflict mediation, substitute teaching, and anxiety management.
Name: Reginald
Comic: Hexed
Occupation: Executive assistant to art dealer, under-the-couch inspector. Detects the presence of evildoers, not that anyone pays attention. Has absolutely, positively never peed on a Serapi rug, or any other rug for that matter, and resents the accusation.