
START HERE, Vol. 2 (A Book Riot Kickstarter Project)

Rebecca Joines Schinsky

Chief of Staff

Rebecca Joines Schinsky is the Chief of Staff for Riot New Media Group and a co-host of the Book Riot Podcast. She can be reached at


Already know and love our Start Here series? Head on over to back the Kickstarter for START HERE, Vol. 2. Wanna know what this is all about? Here you go!

Every reader knows the feeling–you stand in front of a shelf of books by an author you’ve always wanted to read, and you keep putting it off because you don’t know where to start.

From the very beginning of Book Riot, we’ve aimed to solve that problem with our Reading Pathways series, in which contributors who are passionate about famous authors write  introductions to their books and suggest the best 3- or 4-book sequence for reading your way into their bodies of work. Reading Pathways became so popular that last summer we decided to turn the idea into a book, and we successfully Kickstarted Start Here: Read Your Way Into 25 Amazing Authors, Vol. 1.

The response to Start Here has been fantastic, and we continue to hear from readers all the time who want Reading Pathways for more authors they’ve always wanted to read but haven’t, because they haven’t known where to start. So we’re going for a repeat!

Today, we are launching a Kickstarter to produce, publish, and distribute START HERE, Vol. 2.

Start Here, Vol. 2 will be a collection of short, accessible, and passionate introductions to reading big-time authors, including Virginia Woolf, William Faulkner, Toni Morrison, James Salter, Ursula K. LeGuin, China Mieville, John Green, and many more.

You can find out all the details on our Kickstarter project page, but here’s the quick and dirty: we’re going to get people who know these amazing authors inside and out and have them show you how to best make your way into reading their work. The writers, critics, and bloggers contributing to Start Here bring not only their expertise but also their passion for these authors. This combination of expertise and passion is at the heart of Book Riot, and it’s the driving force of Start Here. We love these authors, and we want to help you explore them and discover if you love them too.

We’re only going to do this if enough people want it. Here’s two ways you can be a part:

1. Back the project. 

For 5 bucks, you’ll be pre-ordering the ebook and for $30 you’ll be pre-ordering the ebook and print edition along with getting the opportunity to vote for an author to be included. There are some higher contribution levels you should check out as well, and some options to get Start Here, Vol. 1 if you missed it the first time around.

2. Let other people know about it.

Book Riot is what it is today because you’ve shared it with people. Same thing is going to get Start Here off the ground. Sharing the project on Facebook would be super-helpful. Emailing the project to friends and family you think would be interested would be terrific. If you are on Twitter and/or have a blog, you know what to do.

Our mission is to write great stuff about books for you, and build awesome bookish stuff with you, and we think this is going to be awesome. We hope you do too. Thanks so much for reading…both books and Book Riot.


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