Sites We Like

Sites We Like: Corpus Libris

Rebecca Joines Schinsky

Chief of Staff

Rebecca Joines Schinsky is the Chief of Staff for Riot New Media Group and a co-host of the Book Riot Podcast. She can be reached at

Since 2008, bookseller Emily Pullen (then at LA’s Skylight Books, now manager at WORD Brooklyn) has been mixing books with bodies at her blog Corpus Libris. It’s a simple concept executed elegantly, and it’s a ton of fun. The photos are below are just a few of the delights to be found in Corpus Libris’ five years of archives. Head on over to check out the rest, and follow Emily on Twitter @corpuslibris for book news and all her latest posts.

Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go appeared in the inaugural Corpus Libris.

never let me go corpus libris


A creative shot for John Irving’s In One Person.

in one person corpus libris


Pullen popped over to the other side of the camera with Queer.

queer corpus libris

Fellow Rioter Jenn appeared with Keith Richards’ memoir when she visited Skylight.

keith richards corpus libris

I had a chance to play with The Vanishers at WORD this winter.

vanishers corpus libris

Hey girl, it’s Feminist Ryan Gosling!

feminist ryan gosling corpus libris

Even cats can Corpus Libris!

endarkenment corpus libris

You can Corpus Libris, too! Pop over to enjoy a dive into the archives and submit your own books-meet-bodies photos.


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