Riot Recommendation

Riot Recommendation: Tell Us Your Favorite Powerful YA Stories About Muslim Americans

Jamie Canaves

Contributing Editor

Jamie Canavés is the Tailored Book Recommendations coordinator and Unusual Suspects mystery newsletter writer–in case you’re wondering what you do with a Liberal Arts degree. She’s never met a beach she didn’t like, always says yes to dessert, loves ‘80s nostalgia, all forms of entertainment, and can hold a conversation using only gifs. You can definitely talk books with her on Litsy and Goodreads. Depending on social media’s stability maybe also Twitter and Bluesky.

This Riot Recommendation asking for your favorite powerful YA stories about Muslim Americans is sponsored by TheNOVL.

Internment cover imageSet in a horrifying near-future United States, seventeen-year-old Layla Amin and her parents are forced into an internment camp for Muslim American citizens. With the help of newly made friends also trapped within the internment camp, her boyfriend on the outside, and an unexpected alliance, Layla begins a journey to fight for freedom, leading a revolution against the internment camp’s Director and his guards. Heart-racing and emotional, Internment challenges readers to fight complicit silence that exists in our society today.

While we keep staring at Marvel, waiting for them to realize that their next movie series should star Kamala Khan, we plan to keep reading all the powerful YA stories about Muslim Americans. And that’s where you come in! Hop on down to our comments section to tell us your favorite powerful YA stories about Muslim Americans, and next week we’re going to have an amazing list that’s gonna hurt my wallet but be totally worth it!