The Most Popular Books of the Month: April, 2015
We love to geek out with stats, and what could be better than using them to see which books Book Riot readers were most interested in? Below are the five most-purchased titles from the previous month.
1. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
While I may never manage to regularly put away my body wash, my book collection could use some of Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Not just because it’s massive (last time I counted, I had 300 books that I hadn’t read yet, and I couldn’t bring myself to count the ones I had), but because it’s overwhelming. I’m spoiled for choice when it comes to what to read next, but I’m also paralyzed by the number of options. Just last week, I made myself separate out all the unread galleys that were two or more years old and take them to the local church’s used book sale. That alone yielded five overflowing tote bags’ worth — and my books still don’t all fit on my shelves. –Jenn Northington, The Life-Changing Magic of Downsizing Your Book Collection
2. An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
If you’re a fan of fantasy, action, history, romance and adventure, then you’ll want to pick up this debut novel.
The Martial Empire is not an easy place to live. When Laia’s brother gets arrested for treason against the government, she goes undercover in exchange for a promise of help from rebel Scholars. But when Laia meets Elias — a soldier giving serious consideration to deserting his duties — their lives and futures together and within the Empire are changed.
Bonus: this YA fantasy is a stand-alone title. No waiting for book number two! –Kelly Jensen, 5 Books To Watch For in April
3. All The Rage by Courtney Summers
Rape culture is at the heart of Courtney Summers’s All The Rage, which takes the doors Halse Anderson opened with Speak and pushes them even further. As we live in a culture where victims of sexual violence become shunned and outcast and perpetrators are colored as those with their bright futures destroyed, this book takes a razor-sharp lens to what it means to be a victim in a world that will go out of its way to discredit your story. –Kelly Jensen, A Conversation About Girls’ Stories with Laurie Halse Anderson and Courtney Summers
4. Lumberjanes by Noelle Stevenson, Grace Ellis, and Brooke Allen
“…bought for a friend’s birthday gift, but secretly so I could read it too. Does anyone else do that?” –Rachel Smalter Hall, Peek Over Our Shoulders: What Rioters Are Reading Right Now
5. God Help the Child by Toni Morrison
New Toni Morrison Book Day is a holiday whenever it happens, so even though I’ve had this book for months (and have featured it in this column at least once before), I’m waiting to read it with the rest of the world. The criticism so far has been interesting and varied, so I’m not expecting perfection, but then again, and imperfect Toni Morrison novel is still better than almost anything else. If you need me on Tuesday, well, you’ll just have to wait. —Rebecca Joines Schinsky, Inbox/Outbox
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