Comics/Graphic Novels

Oh, Comics! Podcast #25: Speak of the Devil

Paul Montgomery

Staff Writer

In addition to comics, Paul thrills to Frank Capra and kaiju movies, crime fiction, TV dramas, professional wrestling, and whatever the Muppets are doing at any given time (hopefully in combination with those other things). He tweets as @fuzzytypewriter

Oh, Comics! is a weekly chat show about the wild and wooly world of comics, hosted by Paul Montgomery and Preeti Chhibber.

Oh, Comics! Episode #25: Speak of the Devil
Paul and Preeti talk Netflix’s Daredevil series! Plus, a conversation with Janelle Asselin on her Fresh Romance Kickstarter!

Here’s a direct download link for this episode. You can subscribe to Oh, Comics! in iTunes (click here) or via RSS (link here).

This week’s show is sponsored by Scribd!


This episode is dedicated to the memory of artist and educator Herb Trimpe, who died suddenly last week. Read his account of the tumultuous late 90s at Marvel Comics and his struggles to find a new path following his dismissal from the publisher.

More on Janelle’s Fresh Romance Kickstarter:

Preeti and Scott recapped their favorite episodes of Daredevil. You can also read Preeti’s take on The Women of Daredevil.

Join us for Book Riot Live this November—hang out with people who love books, comics, and geeking out!
