Comics/Graphic Novels

Off-Panel: November 5, 2014

Paul Montgomery

Staff Writer

In addition to comics, Paul thrills to Frank Capra and kaiju movies, crime fiction, TV dramas, professional wrestling, and whatever the Muppets are doing at any given time (hopefully in combination with those other things). He tweets as @fuzzytypewriter

Jeremy Dale, photo by Luigi Novi

Jeremy Dale, photo by Luigi Novi

“This past week, Jeremy very suddenly passed away, shocking everybody. We’re all heartbroken to learn of his passing and can’t even begin to imagine what his wife, Kelly must be going through during this time.

“We’re raising money to help Kelly out with Jeremy’s medical bills and to help with everything else so she can have this time to focus on her grieving process.”

Please consider making a donation to the gofundme campaign for the family of artist Jeremy Dale. The Skyward creator — and dear friend to so many in the comics community — passed away earlier this week.


Dorkly presents a handy infographic of all the comic book movies that are maybe but almost certainly not happening in the years beyond those accounted for by the latest round of announcements. Included: “X-Men Origins: Toad” ; “Dredd II: Please Oh Please” ; “Batman Batman Batman”



“Legendary creator Jack Kirby’s Fourth World, his revered multi-generational space opera, debuted in the award-winning Artist’s Edition format earlier this year with Jack Kirby New Gods: Artist’s Edition. IDW Publishing is now proud to announce a second title in this monumental series, Jack Kirby: Mister Miracle Artist’s Edition! Meticulously scanned from the original art, this Artist’s Edition presents the highest quality look inside an astonishing work by a comic legend. The Fourth World introduced a whole new pantheon into the DC Comics universe, igniting a fervor that continues to define storytelling in comics.”

I emitted a curious frequency when I heard this delightful bit of news, and now all of the neighborhood dogs are gathered on my lawn. We’re to find out how miracles are made.


“The LGBTQ community is separated into different groups that all too often don’t mix or learn from each other’s experiences: gays and lesbians, cisgender and trans people, twinks and bears,” the campaign page states. “But comic cons are all about mixing! People of every size, gender identity and expression, age, color and type come to comic conventions to get geeky, expressing what makes each of us different, special, and awesome. A queer comic con is a great way to bring us all together under one roof. We’ll learn about ourselves as a community, and explore topics that haven’t already been paneled to death at other cons. We want to end the con having brought queer people from different parts of the rainbow closer.”

Geeks OUT has launched a Kickstarter campaign for a proposed NYC-based convention in 2015.