The External Accountability Flaw

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Jess and Trisha discuss why some corners of the romance book world have seen progress regarding inclusion and others have very much not, talk about a recent review and how we think about trauma in romance, and recommend (and re-recommend) romances that involve trauma, grief, and other often difficult human experiences. 

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Here’s a rundown from Book Riot’s Sarah Nicolas on the RWA/Vivian award terribleness. 

The most recent statement from RWA about it is here

The review of The Heart Principle that we discussed can be found on the Kirkus site.

Books Discussed

The Heart Principle by Helen Hoang

Recipe for Persuasion by Sonali Dev

The Seducing the Sedgwicks series by Cat Sebastian

The Right Swipe by Alisha Rai

Flowers from the Storm by Laura Kinsale

Seven Days in June by Tia Williams

Anything by Roan Parrish (Seriously, anything. Riven. In the Middle of Somewhere. Best Laid Plans. Or whatever else.) 

Let us know what you think about this week’s conversations and whatever else you’re reading and thinking about (and thinking about what you’re reading!) As always, you can find Jess and Trisha at the WIR email address ( You can also find us on Twitter (@jessisreading and @trishahaleybrwn), or Instagram (@jess_is_reading and @trishahaleybrown).