Spooky But Not Creepy
Jess and Trisha discuss how sexual content ratings could work in romance, talk about how to learn more about the history of romance and trailblazers in the genre, and recommend some romance you might want to read this autumn.
This episode is sponsored by Book Riot’s blind date with a book giveaway and No Judgement by Meg Cabot from William Morrow Paperbacks.
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Learn more about romance history from the RWA’s Romance Trailblazers page and from the Love Between the Covers Resource Guide.
Background and history on the romance genre:
Desert Passions: Orientalism and Romance Novels by Hsu-Ming Teo
Dangerous Books for Girls by Maya Rodale
A Natural History of the Romance Novel by Pamela Regis
Dangerous Men and Adventurous Women: Romance Writers on the Appeal of Romance edited by Jayne Ann Krentz
Beyond Heaving Bosoms: The Smart Bitches Guide to Romance Novels by Sarah Wendell and Candy Tan
Everything I know About Love I Learned From Romance Novels by Sarah Wendell
Romance Recs:
Perfect Rhythm by Jae
Mating the Huntress by Talia Hibbert
Goalie Interference by Avon Gale and Piper Vaughn
Suckerpunch by Elyse Springer
Halloween Boo by Sarah Spade
The Winston Brothers Series by Penny Reid (the first book is Truth or Beard)
A Match Made for Thanksgiving by Jackie Lau
Tell us your thoughts on how to signal sexual content in romance, ways to learn about and appreciate trailblazers across romance history, and what you’re reading this season. As always, you can find Jess and Trisha at the WIR email address (wheninromance@bookriot.com). You can also find us on Twitter (@jessisreading and @trishahaleybrwn), or Instagram (@jess_is_reading and @trishahaleybrown).