SFF Yeah!

SFF Yeah! is a biweekly fantasy and science fiction podcast dedicated to the latest happenings and our favorite recommendations from the worlds of science fiction and fantasy.

Episode 70 Most Anticipated SF/F Sequels of 2020

Sharifah and Jenn discuss the Hugo nominations, updates on screen adaptations, their most anticipated science fiction and fantasy sequels of 2020, and more.

Episode 69.5 Backlist To The Future With A Side Of Romance

Jenn discusses science fiction and fantasy stories that include a romance.

Episode 69 2020’s Most Anticipated

Sharifah and Jenn discuss Dracula, PAX Unplugged, the Wonder Woman trailer, their most anticipated sci-fi and fantasy of 2020, and more.

Episode 68.5 Backlist To The Future Gets Nostalgic

This week, Sharifah discusses nostalgic science fiction and fantasy.

Episode 68 Mysteries in SF/F

Sharifah and Jenn discuss The Mandalorian and other Star Wars news, a slate of award winners, and sci-fi/fantasy stories with mysteries.

Episode 67.5 Backlist To The Future, Short And Sweet

This week Jenn discusses short science fiction and fantasy, to help you meet your 2019 reading goals.

Episode 67 SF/F For The Holidays

Sharifah and Jenn recommend their favorite science fiction and fantasy for holiday gift-giving this year.

Episode 66.5 Backlist to the Future Picks Audiobooks for the Road

Sharifah recommends science fiction and fantasy audiobooks for road trips, especially those long holiday drives!

Episode 66 Shapeshifters

Sharifah and guest Liberty discuss their favorite tropes and shapeshifters in science fiction and fantasy.

Episode 65.5 Backlist to the Future with Comfort Reads

This week, Jenn discusses science fiction and fantasy comfort reads.